
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework forms the basis for our curriculum. The framework was developed to support the huge developmental leaps children make between birth and 5 years old. The experiences children have during these years have a major impact on their future life.

The curriculum is split into 7 key learning and development areas, the most important of which are the following 3 prime areas:

These areas are crucial for igniting a child’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, forming relationships and developing resilience.

Alongside the 3 prime areas, the framework includes 4 specific areas, through which the 3 prime areas are strengthened and applied. These are:

At Kids Spot, our purpose-built facilities and the activities and experiences we offer are all designed to support these key learning and development areas.

To support your child’s development in these 7 key areas, we also apply our Kids Spot ethos of encouraging your child to express themselves through play in a safe and nurturing way. This play will not always be clean, and we believe a ‘messy day is a good day’.

We also believe in guided risk and have created purpose-built guided risk play areas to allow your child to test themselves. Guided risk is crucial in developing your child’s skills, growing resilience and teaching them to manage risk and understand safety.